Leaving a Legacy Designs

Helping you scrap your memories one page at a time

Happy Birthday Stuff to Scrap! **FREEBIE**

on May 4, 2013

A lot going on this month at Stuff to Scrap!


2013_Scavenger Hunt flyer

We are also having a blog hop!  Here is my part:  It coordinates with the STS Birthday Mega

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Scraps by Andrea

Growing Pains Scrapped

Scrappin Serenity

Shel Belle Scraps

MDK Scraps

Desert Digi-Scrap

Crescent Moon Designs

Leaving a Legacy Designs  ****YOU ARE HERE****

Build a Memory

Piccolina Designs

B2N2 Scraps

Mommy Me Time Scrapper

Designs by Snowlady

JMC Designs

DoubleTrouble Scraps

The Scrappy Kat

A Fish Design

Ponytails Designs

HD Creations

Lastly I want to leave you with a peek at the May Build a Kit…super cute stuff in there!


The May Mega Collab!STS_Fun&Fancy_PreviewFull STS_Fun&Fancy_PreviewElements STS_Fun&Fancy_PreviewPaper STS_Fun&Fancy_PreviewQPs

And finally a SALE!  The whole store will be on sale May 9-11!2013BirthdaySaleFLyer

6 responses to “Happy Birthday Stuff to Scrap! **FREEBIE**

  1. Robyn says:

    Thank you!!

  2. Jennifer says:

    Thank you!

  3. Lisa says:

    Thank you so much for your generosity! What a great blog train!

  4. molly says:

    Thank you for your part in this fabulous train! 🙂

  5. yabbyscrap says:

    Thank you very much!

  6. cantabile21 says:

    Thanx for the journal cards!

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